The Celestine Prophecy – An Adventure by James Redfield

8 01 2008

I first read this book earlier in the year, recommended by cityhermit. I took a long time to review this because I didn’t felt that I can do this well.

The premises for the book is on the main character, who after hearing from a long time friend, decided to go to Peru to learn more about The Manuscript. The Manuscript dates back to about 600 BC and predicts a transformation of the human society. There are different segments, also known as insights, describing a particular insight to our life. As we go through these insights sequentially, we as humans would evolved spiritually and move into a very different environment from where we are now.

As the character decides to go on an adventure to learn more about the Manuscript, he gets to meet different people, sharing with him each of the insights. He also experiences those insights and understand the deeper meaning behind each segment.

In this book, there were 9 insights that were shared. The first 2 insights talks about an awareness of the mysterious occurrences that changes one’s life, the feeling that some other processes are operating. The 2nd insight puts our awareness into a longer historical perspective, awakening the consciousness and putting things into perspective.

As the story goes on, we are brought into an adventure as the character goes in search of each of the insights, relating concepts such as control dramas, chakras, energy fields into the story.

Why this is a good read:

The story, being an adventure first, brings me into the world of the main character. Literally I’m joining the hunt for the insights of the Manuscript. First time when I read this book, I was just enjoying the “ride”, finding out what’s to come next in the story.

Reading it the 2nd time, I tried to understand each insight better and how it all comes together with the other things I’ve learnt spiritually. Religion, chakras, energy, evolution of human society, psychology, science….all coming together through the story. It doesn’t explain each of the concepts in detail, for it’s still a story, not a paper on each item.

Entertaining and engaging, I decided to purchase a copy, and I got the entire series: Celestine Prophecy, Tenth Insight, and The Secret of Shambala (the 12th insight).

Incidentally, we have 12 strands of DNA which is another story…